Local Resources

City of Santa Barbara Architectural Board of Review
Protects and preserves, as nearly as practicable, the natural charm and beauty of Santa Barbara, including the historical style, qualities, characteristics of the buildings, structures and architectural features associated with and established by its long, illustrious and distinguished past. 006a

City of Santa Barbara Historic Landmarks Commission
Working to ensure that El Pueblo Viejo (The Old Town) retains its unique early-California Spanish character and atmosphere through careful City planning and development.

City of Santa Barbara Planning Commission
Recommend to the City Council, after a public hearing thereon, the adoption, amendment or repeal of the General Plan, or any part thereof, and specific or precise plans it may deem advisable for guidance in the physical development of the City.

County of Santa Barbara Planning and Development
General and specific information on planning and development in Santa Barbara county.

County of Santa Barbara Historic Landmarks Advisory Commission (HLAC)
To promote the economic welfare and prosperity of the county by preserving and protecting those places, sites, buildings, structures, works of art and other objects having a special historic or aesthetic character or interest, for the use, education and view of the general public and to remind the citizens of this county and visitors from elsewhere of the background of the county.

County of Santa Barbara Montecito Planning Commission

County of Santa Barbara Planning Commission

County of Santa Barbara Regional Board of Architectural Review (BAR)

Montecito Association
Committed to leading the community in the preservation, protection, and enhancement of the semi-rural residential character of Montecito.

Pearl Chase Society
A nonprofit conservancy committed to preserving sites of enduring community value in and around Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation
Founded in 1963, this private, nonprofit community organization is dedicated to preserving and interpreting historic sites in Santa Barbara county.

Santa Barbara Historical Museum
Telling the story of Santa Barbara through permanent and temporary exhibitions.


Statewide Resources

California Preservation Foundation
Founded in 1977, the California Preservation Foundation is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of California’s diverse cultural and architectural heritage.

California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance, Inc.
CCRPA was formed in 1998 and incorporated in 2003 in response to accelerating development, especially in California, and the loss of a number of significant cultural and historic sites.

Office of Historic Preservation, California State Parks
The SHPO is responsible for the operation and management of the Office of Historic Preservation, as well as long range preservation planning.

State Historical Resources Commission, California State Parks
The State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) is a nine-member state review board, appointed by the Governor, with responsibilities for the identification, registration, and preservation of California’s cultural heritage. 

National Resources

National Historic Landmarks Program
While there are many historic places across the nation, only a small number have meaning to all Americans–these we call our National Historic Landmarks.

National Trust for Historic Preservation
Helping people protect, enhance and enjoy the places that matter to them.
